Glass is a very reusable and recyclable material. It is one of the only materials that can be recycled with almost no decline in quality. To try to break glass down into categories of recyclable and non-recyclable would be a waste of time, as the only types of glass that are not recyclable are glasses with mixed glass and sand in its production. As long as glass is homogeneous in terms of what kind of sand it was made from, then it can be recycled over and over with no decline in quality. Make sure you recycle your glass rather than throw it away. Glass waste can be completely taken out of landfill waste, and completely recycled.

Normally, the color of the glass plays an important role in how it is recycled. However, in the United States, many recycling services do not make the effort to sort through recycling or waste products, so it would be pointless to even try at home until legislation is changed. Perhaps in the future when the sorting process is automated, we can finally begin to correctly sort through these recyclable materials. For now, if you wish for your glass to be completely recycled, find a glass recycling company that will do it for you. Try to reuse glass containers when possible, as they are easy to clean and last a long time.

NPR made a nice little video about glass recycling in 2014. Take a took:
