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All issues discussed thus far have negative repercussions on human health. Leachate is toxic and can contain mercury, dioxin, and pesticides along with a whole host of other toxic chemicals. Methane can cause spontaneous landfill combustion which can negatively impact respiratory health. Particulates of landfill trash as well as toxic chemicals and gasses are hurled into the air when burned by methane fires, only to be breathed in by nearby animals and humans. Plastic pollution can lead to the buildup of micro plastics in sea food. Humans who eat that sea food ingest those plastics and could become ill. All in all, poor waste management can have serious consequences on human health.
This should be reason enough for the United States to take this matter seriously. It is their duty to protect the health and safety of American citizens. The poor regulations in the field of waste management put not only Americans health in danger but everyone and everything on the planet. Cleaning up our planet should be a global initiative, yes, but we can start somewhere by adopting responsible waste management practices in the United States so that we may lead the rest of the world to clean up its act.
Visit the solutions page to learn about possible solutions to the waste management crisis.